Monday, January 18, 2016

Nitrous Oxide Addiction - How it Happened

I was hooked on nitrous for 6+ years. It took me 2 years of false attempts to finally withdraw.
Due to my genetic and some childhood development issues, I am very susceptible to addictive behavior, so I have purposely been super careful not to experiment with opiods at all.
I always understood - for a fact - that I would get hooked and this would not be good for me.

But I had NO IDEA that whippits would be like an opioid-like substance.

They're sold at the corner shop - how dangerous can they be?
It started out as a fun recreational thing with friends at parties.
No big deal, right?

But it was obvious my body responded VERY MUCH to it.
Next thing you know I'm buying my own supply to keep handy.

Then, when I got into a tragic physical accident, I turned to it for physical and psychological relief.

Nitrous works great for a bunch of symptoms, like panic attacks and pain.
I really wish some pharma company would do research on it and get this FDA-approved.
But the medical community has determined that it should not be used without medical supervision.
In some states it is illegal to use Nitrous Oxide, like in California.
But I was dealing with serious symptom and I had no medical insurance at the time.
So I turned to what worked and was easily available to me.
At a certain point, I was definitely concerned about my level of usage but when I looked online, I read over and over: "Nitrious Oxide is not physically addictive"
So I thought "no problem here" so I continued to use.

But the then I started to use large quantities.

24 cartridge boxes.
Once or twice a week.

Then the local shop started selling the 50-count boxes.
I thought I was getting a deal, but I would do it all at once.
I made a rule not to buy the 50-count boxes, because I KNEW I couldn't just NOT do the WHOLE box.

If I had a box in my possesion, I wouldn't economize and save the box across multiple days.
No. The whole box would be gone in hours.

I had some concerns and went online and did research.

I read about how Nitrous Oxide depletes certain vitamins and nutrients from your system - and from what I understood, N2O does not cause problems directly - but the nutrient depletion causes some serious problems to the nervous system.
So as a precaution, I took extra doses of the recommended vitamins that Nitrous is known to deplete:
Folic Acid.

Plus I took a good quality daily mulit-vitamin.

When my overall medical symptoms had diminished some and I felt that I was somewhat back on-track with my life, I was ready to stop using Nitrous – however, I was surprised that I couldn't.

I made mutliple attempts to withdraw.

Five years later.
I'm dealing with all the classic drug abuse consequences and issues with: work, family, money, legal, etc.

And at 6 years - I am JUST NOW discovering - in the last 2 weeks - that Nitrous Oxide was possibly triggering my opioid receptors and had turned me into a full-on addict.




It's like a fucken opiate!

I had no fucken idea.This information is not widely published.
I seriously thought this was "kids stuff" - but it definitely has the ability to get you hooked.

Everywhere you look online it says "Nitrous Oxide is no physically addictive".

This is misinformation.

And I am compelled to make sure people know this is not just "kids stuff"

I have no desire to tell people not to do Nitrous Oxide.
Everyone has the right to do with their body as they wish.
But I do believe they should AT LEAST know what they're getting themselves into when they use Nitrous.


tag words: N2O, n2o, n20, N20, Nitrous Oxide, NOS, Laughing Gas, addiction, withdrawal, Opiate, opiod, Opioid, Opioids, cartridges, whippits, Whippits, Whip-Its, morphine, Morphine, drug, drug, neurotransmitter

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